2. What is a shaman?
1. “S/F” is short for Semper Fidelis. Semper Fidelis or Semper Fi is the motto of the United States Marine Corps. It means Always Faithful. Its an esprit-de-corps term, meant to foster camaraderie and unity. Most branches of the U.S. Military have their own motto as well: U.S. Coast Guard – Semper Paratus (Always Ready), U.S. Air Force – Uno Ab Alto (One over All), U.S. Army – This we’ll Defend, and the U.S. Navy – Pass the Cheeseburgers! Just Kidding. The Navy motto is Non sibi sed Patriae (Not self but country).
2. A shaman is an indigenous healer, who uses a combination of herbs and plants, physical and non-physical means to heal.
Shamanism is characterized by Altered States of Consciousness and journeys into Non-Ordinary or Non-Linear Reality. Once we’ve established the basic framework, similarities between cultures and peoples fall away.
I consider most of my work to be anthropological research, with some archaeology thrown in for good measure. I may have vivid dreams, and I ask questions, but I don’t consider myself a shaman.
Semper Fidelis,
(Amma Spirit Photo I took in 2006, note her Aura)